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Is it possible for the people of our time to wear healthy and safe clothes?

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Is it possible for the people of our time to wear healthy and safe clothes?

If we do not breed sheep, goats, llamas and cultivate fields of cotton, flax or hemp ourselves, do we have no chance of being safe in this area of ​​life?


If we make wise purchasing decisions, consider whether our desire is based on needs, look at the composition of clothes, choose natural, chemically processed fabrics and yarns that are as low as possible, will we minimize this risk?

There are probably those who have manual skills who are able to create exceptional, individual and unique work out of nothing. They will go to second-hand stores and find certified wool or cashmere sweaters, linen shirts and silk dresses there. They will probably make wonders of them that will delight with their originality.

Everyone for whom crochet hooks and knitting needles are a matter of course, everyone who operates a sewing machine and overlocks, will do great. They will choose a healthy offer from certain regional suppliers. You can visit them and see how their products are made. Buy samples on site.

Our clothes meet all of the above requirements. They are made of safe materials, dyed with plant dyes, often collected by hand in places far from urban clusters. We make them by hand, in Poland, and most importantly, we wear them ourselves, eliminating what is chemical and harmful from our lives.


We will continue the topic, please come back soon

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